Job Description of Computer Buying Consultant
- Advise individuals and small companies in making computer purchases.
- Assist with setup of hardware and installation of software
- Help install telephone, DSL, or cable modem connection to the Internet.
For some people, buying and installing a computer is a terrifying prospect. They
fear buying the wrong equipment, paying way too much for it, and then being
totally unable to figure out where to plug in which end of the cable.
Other people may throw up their hands at the prospect of figuring out how to
connect to the Internet or how to set up a small wireless network in a home or
office to share printers, modems, and other devices.
The computer buying consultant is like a contractor for the construction of a
house: someone who arranges for delivery of all of the pieces and services and
makes sure everything is working properly.
Then he or she fades away (heading
for the bank), leaving the operation and maintenance of the house to others.
The job of the computer buying consultant ends once the computer system is
up and running properly. If a client runs into problems with software or if a piece
of hardware fails six months or a year later, the client should be referred to a
computer repair or software consultant.
We recommend separating the jobs of a computer buying consultant and a
repair service because the level of complexity is vastly different. Once the computer
is up and running, you will have no control over what the user does to it.
Computer Buying Consultant Challenges
Make sure you understand the needs, wants, and technical abilities of your clients. You don’t want to specify a machine that is beyond the needs (and budget) of your client, yet you don’t want to recommend a cheap and underpowered or poorly assembled machine just because the price tag is low.
The vast majority of computers in homes and business are based on the PC design and are intended to work with the Microsoft Windows operating system. A small portion of the computer industry is devoted to the Apple Macintosh design and its operating system.
The two universes are relatively similar to each other, but you will need to be well educated about the differences. Learn the various Internet connection options available in your area. Telephone
dial-up service is the most mature and usually the easiest to set up, but it is the slowest system available. Cable modem service, where available, is usually the fastest for residential and small-business use. In between is DSL service via telephone cable; setup can sometimes be very complex and problematic, and
connection speeds are faster than dial-up but generally slower than cable.
Be sure the client understands the brick wall you will erect between consulting on the purchase of a system and its later operation. Establish relationships with computer repair services and software consultants who will be available to your client if needed.
Know the Territory
You need to be the sort of person who can quote prices and specifications from memory, someone who reads computer ads and web sites for enjoyment. You should be familiar with the offerings of the major online vendors of computers (including Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM) and the web sites and catalogs of
direct sellers of other machines. Make regular visits to area computer retail stores to see the range of offerings and understand their sales and support procedures.
How to Get Started Computer Buying Consultant
Place flyers and ads in community centers, schools, and retail stores. Advertise in community newspapers, shopping guides, and school newspapers. Ask satisfied customers to recommend your services to friends and acquaintances; offer a bonus or discount for business they refer.
Up-front Expenses for Computer Buying Consultant
Build up a library of technical manuals and computer magazines to keep current on the latest technologies and products. Consult web sites of manufacturers of hardware and software and be a regular visitor to Internet homes for companies that sell computers, peripherals, and services. You’ll also need a basic tool kit containing screwdrivers and nut drivers for installation of systems. Other expenses include advertising and promotion.
Charge for Computer Buying Consultant
Charge by the hour for your services, or offer a package rate for a set number of hours for buying consultation and installation of equipment. To offer the most independent and unbiased service to your client, you should not ask for or accept commissions or other payments from the sellers of hardware.